
Tutor.com has updated their mobile app (tutor.com to go) meaning, with your library card, you can access expert tutors anywhere! Anyone from elementary through graduate school, as well as adults transitioning careers will find this to be a very useful resource.

  • Connect with a live tutor (7days/week from 2:00pm-9:00pm) for 1-to-1 help in academic classes, study skills, and test prep.
  • Submit an essay for drop-off review by an expert tutor.
  • Access thousands of educational and test-prep resources through our SkillsCenter Resource Library.
  • Save and review past tutoring sessions.
  • Store essays, assignments, and homework problems in your Tutor.com Locker.

Learn more about our other educational and professional development tools in our online library: https://www.mympls.org/download-it/