Use the Library
Our Services
How can we help?
BookDash delivers library materials to your door. Anyone with a library card residing in Monongalia County is eligible to sign up.
Stories, jokes, creative writing prompts and more for kids – No internet required! Watch for new stories and fun from your librarians every month on Dial-A-Story! Call 304-826-BOOK (2665)
Staff Picks for You
A free curation service–expert staff will select up to 10 books and 4 DVDs based on individual preferences and comprehension levels. Request your books here.
Meeting Rooms
Rooms are available for public meetings, community organizations and non-profit groups at no charge. Please reserve your room by calling 304-291-7425.
Computers & WiFi
Public computers and WiFi are available on the 2nd floor. Computer use is free.
Copies & Faxes
Copy machines are located on the 1st and 2nd floors. Black and white copies are .10 each, .25 for color. Faxes are sent from the Circulation desk for $1.00 a page (charges will not exceed $5.00 total).
Head next door to the Aull Center for Local History and Genealogy and discover past secrets of Morgantown while tracing your family tree.
Let the kids play with the train set by the Storybook Castle, set up for a marathon study session at a big table, or relax on the second floor reading magazines in comfy chairs, your choice.
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. The 2nd floor is the place to go when you can’t find what you’re looking for. If we don’t have it they will be glad to show you how to request materials from other libraries.
Tech Help
Digital devices can be tricky, we’re glad to help you access our digital materials on your personal device. Please be sure to bring your library card number and any usernames and passwords you may need.
Borrow a Librarian
Library staff are available to visit daycare centers, community organizations, classrooms and other events. Please contact the MPLS director for more information.
Request a Title
We love getting suggestions for materials to add to the collection. Fill out our Book Suggestion Form and if we can get it, we will notify you when it comes in.