December Dial-a-Story

December Dial-a-Stories are up! Call 304-826-BOOK (2665)!
If you haven’t heard, we now have an always available phone number where you can listen to stories, jokes, and poems. No internet required — just a phone! What you’ll hear is recorded by our librarians.
Our menu of choices is varied so we’ve written them out below. At the end of each selection, you will automatically be redirected to the main menu, but if you don’t want to wait until the end, you can hit # to go to the main menu. Your December Story Selection (available till December 31st):
Dial 1: Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker (Children’s story read by Sarah Palfrey)
Dial 2: The Gingerbread Pirates by Kristin Kladstrup (Children’s story read by Colleen)
Dial 3: Moose’s Loose Tooth by Jacqueline A. Clarke (Children’s story read by Michelle)
Dial 4: Happy Llamakkah! by Laura Gehl (Children’s story read by Lynda)
Dial 5: Mr. Willoby’s Christmas Tree by Robert Barry (Story for all ages read by Sarah Palfrey)
Dial 6: Walter the Farting Dog by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray (Children’s story read by Charlotte)
Dial 7: Winter Solstice/Yule Poem: The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper (Poem for all ages read by Lynda)
Dial 8: Joke Line (All Ages | Read by Sarah Palfrey)
Dial 9: Language Line: La Ratita Presumida by Fernan Caballero (Children’s story read in Spanish by guest, Maria Paulina Medina)
Dial 10: Chapter of the Month: My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannet (Children/Young Adult story read by Collen)