In-Person Programming Postponed
At the direction of the Morgantown Public Library Board of Trustees, in-person programming at all branch locations will be paused until further notice due to COVID-19 spread. Please know that we do not take this decision lightly and that this action was taken only after thoughtful consideration. This pandemic has been a moving target for our whole community and we are making daily decisions we believe will keep our doors open and community safe.
For the time being, we are transitioning to virtual and at-home programming. We will keep you posted on how our events will change in the coming weeks. Each day we are reevaluating community spread conditions and look forward to inviting back all of you as soon as it is possible. In the meantime, our branch locations are still open and we require all individuals over 2 years of age to mask up.
We strive to be as transparent as possible and update you as soon as we can. Thank you for understanding. Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at or 304-291-7425. For more information about local COVID-19 updates:…