March Dial-a-Stories are LIVE!

Our March Dial-a-Stories are LIVE! Call 304-826-BOOK (2665)–This is a phone number you can call 24/7 and listen to stories, jokes, and poems. What you’ll hear is recorded by staff and our community members.
The theme for this month is Spring with stories celebrating Women’s History Month (#2), World Poetry Day (#4), and St. Patrick’s Day (#7).
Our menu of choices is varied so we’ve written them out below. At the end of each selection, you will automatically be redirected to the main menu, but if you don’t want to wait until the end, you can dial # to go to the main menu.
Dial 1: Bulldozer Dreams by Sharon Chriscoe (read by Lynda)
Dial 2: Her Fearless Run by Kim Chaffee (read by Lynda)
Dial 3: A Peaceful Garden by Lucy London (read by Ruth )
Dial 4: “Hummingbird” from Animal Poems by Valerie Worth (read by Ruth)
Dial 5: Joke Line delivered by Sarah P.
Dial 6: That’s What Friends Are For by Valeri Gorbachev (read by Sarah P.)
Dial 7: Twas The Night Before St. Patrick’s Day by Natasha Wing (read by Cathy)
Dial 8: Frogs and Toads all Sang by Arnold Lobel (read by Tessa)