Morgantown’s Digital Libraries Are Down Due to Network Outage

Update #2: As of 10:00 am this morning, our team discovered that the library’s entire network experienced a “major outage.” This means all of Morgantown Public Library’s digital resources are inaccessible at this time. Our ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, comics, and all of our other digital offerings are affected due to this network power outage.
The West Virginia Library Commission manages the Morgantown Public Library’s digital network by providing internet, telecommunications, and technology resources along with 172 public libraries across West Virginia. This power outage is affecting public libraries across the state.
We are keenly aware that our patrons rely on our digital libraries more than ever during this time so we are working diligently with the West Virginia Library Commission IT Operations Team to resolve this issue and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.
We will notify you as we learn more on our social media accounts, website, and newsletter. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at