Pumpkin Book Sculpture Takeaway Kit (Cheat Branch)
12:00 pm -
*Registration Required
Location: Virtual Event
Make a pumpkin-shaped decoration from an old paperback book! Pick up a supply kit with instructions at the branch location of your choice. Register online (https://forms.gle/RjEHxoBKupvLHJASA) or by calling the Cheat Area Public Library at 304-594-1020. Space is limited to 20 registrants. A video instruction will be published on October 11th at 12:00pm. This craft is suitable for adults and teens.
Cheat Area Public Library
121 Crosby Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
Phone: (304) 594-1020
Fax: (304) 594-1020
Email: cheat@mympls.org