Your Support Makes a Difference
Your support makes a difference this #GivingTuesday!
#GivingTuesday is a worldwide day of giving. Celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday is about ordinary people coming together doing extraordinary things. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Morgantown Public Library System. It is easy to make a one-time or monthly recurring donation online.
Why Give to the Library?
The Morgantown Public Library has been a vital part of the community for more than half a century. We have been providing Monongalia County with free access to information, learning tools, and educational programming even during the pandemic’s most trying times. In 2021, you borrowed 310,372 library materials, up from the previous year of 288,246 (2020). More and more of you are reading our books, listening to our audiobooks, browsing our digital magazines, comics, and watching movies.
Your #GivingTuesday donations may be used for upcoming library projects that everyone can enjoy. In 2022, we plan to expand our digital collections with shorter wait periods and more titles to choose from as well as update the furniture at our downtown branch location, and renovate our branches.
Together we’ll bring about real positive change in Monongalia County. Take action and support your library this #GivingTuesday!